Self How Manifestation Went Mainstream Even the sceptics are giving wishful thinking a go, thanks to one woman's book. Future Women meets her. By Alice Monfries Self Even the sceptics are giving wishful thinking a go, thanks to one woman's book. Future Women meets her. By Alice Monfries Previous article Cyan Ta’eed Stands In The Arena Next article The Quiet Power In Being Yourself Chances are you’ve heard of it. And chances are, you may have also written it off as a bit “woo-woo”, or some quack concept exclusively embraced by tarot-reading, moon-loving hippies.It’s a term that can throw off even the slightest sceptic – and it’s a word author and mentor Jordanna Levin avoided using for years to describe the work she does helping people create their dream lives. But now, she’s proudly taking manifestation mainstream. And thanks to her ultra-pragmatic and totally logical approach – outlined in her book Make it Happen – the movement is gaining momentum. betteryouwellness Best Of Future Women Self Two ducks and a Chick walk into the wilderness By Odessa Blain Wellbeing How can you be ‘authentic’ at work? By Steph Tisdell Wellbeing Awww, you shouldn’t have. By FW Wellbeing We’ve discovered burnout’s kryptonite By FW Wellbeing How to be proactive without rushing through life By Michelle Brasier Wellbeing Why an HRT shortage is a mental health issue By FW Wellbeing Burn bright, not out By Eden Timbery Wellbeing Potential over protection: The secret to setting boundaries at work By Eden Timbery Your inbox just got smarter If you’re not a member, sign up to our newsletter to get the best of Future Women in your inbox.