
Three steps to developing your adaptability in the workplace

Your adaptability quotient is your ability to determine what’s relevant, to forget what’s obsolete and to adjust to change in real time. Here's how you can develop your 'AQ'.

By Madison Howarth


Your adaptability quotient is your ability to determine what’s relevant, to forget what’s obsolete and to adjust to change in real time. Here's how you can develop your 'AQ'.

By Madison Howarth

In July 2021 the workplace called for adaptability more than ever. We were over a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, but things were uncertain and changing almost everyday. Future Women’s former Chief Commercial Officer, Alicia Stephenson, was joined by special guest Andrea Clarke to discuss how to create a plan to get comfortable with change. Fast forward to 2022 and adaptability is still just as important.

In this webinar Stephenson and Clarke discuss harnessing our adaptability quotient and personal work typologies.

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