PLATINUM+ EMERGING LEADERS Invest in women's leadership Fast track employee confidence, capabilities and connections. REGISTER INTEREST We have designed the Platinum+ Emerging Leaders membership specifically to respond to the challenges facing mid-career (or APS6 - EL2) women in the workplace. This 12-month program engages mid-career women and gender diverse people to develop their confidence, capabilities and connections. Retaining and promoting high performing women is essential for an organisation’s growth and success and has flow on benefits for reputation, productivity and profitability. This program prepares all women to be inclusive leaders, with a strong focus on strategies to support, communicate with, and lead diverse/CALD teams. As an ‘always on’ membership, Platinum+ Emerging Leaders offers a blend of scheduled program delivery, networking and a vast repository of professional development content through FW’s website and members-only community. DON'T MISS OUT The next Platinum+ Emerging Leaders intake commences in July 2025. Pre-register your interest here. REGISTER INTEREST Have a query? Please email [email protected] KEY DATES JULY 2025 INTAKE Expand REGISTRATION March - July 2025 Platinum+ Emerging Leader membership is open for nominations and registration. Enrolments close 31 July. ONBOARDING July 2025 This includes pre-reading access to all platform materials, podcasts and psychometric testing. COMMENCEMENT 4 August 2025 The Platinum+ Emerging Leader Program officially begins. MASTERCLASS - INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP 19 August 2025 This Masterclass runs over one half-day. MASTERCLASS - STRENGTHS AND VALUES BASED LEADERSHIP 22 October 2025 This Masterclass runs over one half-day. MASTERCLASS - PRESENTING FOR SUCCESS 12 November 2025 This Masterclass runs over one half-day MASTERCLASS - PRACTICAL PEOPLE MANAGEMENT 2 December 2025 This Masterclass runs over one half-day LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE March 2026 Held over two days in Sydney and offered virtually. PROGRAM CONCLUSION June 2026 OCTOBER 2025 INTAKE Expand REGISTRATION Now - October 2025 Platinum+ Emerging Leader membership is open for nominations and registration. Enrolments close 7 March. ONBOARDING Aug - October 2025 This includes pre-reading access to all platform materials, podcasts and psychometric testing. COMMENCEMENT 31 October 2025 The Platinum+ Emerging Leader Program officially begins. MASTERCLASS - PRESENTING FOR SUCCESS 12 November 2025 This Masterclass runs over one half-day. MASTERCLASS - PRACTICAL PEOPLE MANAGEMENT 2 December 2025 This Masterclass runs over one half-day. LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE March 2026 Held over two days in Sydney and offered virtually. MASTERCLASS - INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP March 2026 This Masterclass runs over one half-day. MASTERCLASS - STRENGTHS AND VALUES BASED LEADERSHIP June 2026 This Masterclass runs over one half-day. PROGRAM CONCLUSION October 2026 THE CASE FOR INVESTING IN WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP Female top tier managers add 6.6 percent in market value to ASX companies, with proven flow on benefits for reputation, culture, productivity and profitability. A 10 percent increase of women in senior management makes an organisation more likely to outperform competitors on key metrics including earnings. Companies with gender diverse executive teams are 21 percent more likely to outperform their counterparts on profitability. VIEW A STAKEHOLDER REPORT We are proud of our comprehensive, action focussed stakeholder reporting. To view a sample, please fill in the form to receive the PDF. MEMBER BENEFITS A 12-month Platinum+ Emerging Leaders membership includes the below features: LEADERSHIP SUMMIT Two days of inspiring keynote speeches and panel discussions to learn the latest insights around modern leadership. The next Leadership Summit is in March 2025. Virtual ticket included. FW MASTERCLASSES Led by a team of leadership experts, the Platinum+ Emerging Leaders Masterclasses each comprise of a half day interactive workshop that will advance participants’ leadership, people management, communication and presentation skills. GROUP MENTORING Platinum+ Emerging Leaders members connect with an expert mentor and advisory board of like-minded women to solve a professional challenge. ACCESS ALL AREAS All Platinum+ Emerging Leaders members also receive access to all Platinum membership perks of FW, which includes access to online learning, exclusive articles and resources, and more. CAREER DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Platinum+ Emerging Leaders members will complete a psychometric Clarity4D assessment, be guided with this to create their individual career development plan, and establish a 12-month goal setting process. FACEBOOK COMMUNITY All FW members are invited to join our exclusive Facebook community. It is a place for members to share ideas, articles, and experiences. “In spending time with like-minded individuals from a cross-section of industries and hearing from some really influential women I learnt to be more comfortable in my own capabilities, back myself more and further stifle my imposter syndrome to become a more confident and well-rounded leader and team member.” —PLATINUM+: EMERGING LEADERS PARTICIPANT SUBSCRIBE TO FW AGENDA For the latest insights on gender, diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This newsletter is for employers and includes our favourite reads and recommendations while keeping you up-to-date with FW's latest offerings and opportunities. FW Agenda arrives in your inbox every second Wednesday. Subscribe here.