Longing for lightness of times past

It is somewhat painful admitting that I am nostalgic for the life we were all living, just 10 or 12 weeks ago.

By Jamila Rizvi


It is somewhat painful admitting that I am nostalgic for the life we were all living, just 10 or 12 weeks ago.

By Jamila Rizvi

I woke up feeling nostalgic this morning. The evening before I’d come across this BBC article, ‘The last ‘normal’ photo on your phone’ and fell down a rabbit hole of longing. My husband and I sat on the couch with our phones, scrolling back only a few months to images that felt like historical relics of an era long past.

There are my son and I after swimming lessons, having a quick coffee at our local café, before rushing home to change for his ballet class. SNAP. There is our family at the AFLW, wrapped in scarves and beanies, eating sausage rolls and waving our flags. SNAP. My girlfriends and I on the street outside a fancy restaurant in the city, because we were too busy chatting to capture the moment during our meal. SNAP.