Workplace How To Get The Most Out Of Your HR Department Three HR professionals on how to get the most out of the department - and just how much it's shifted in a post-MeToo world. By Natalie Reilly Workplace Three HR professionals on how to get the most out of the department - and just how much it's shifted in a post-MeToo world. By Natalie Reilly Previous article On Our Radar: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Next article Why ‘No’ Is A Complete Sentence For anyone who has run into difficulty in a workplace, (and that’s pretty much all of us) those two letters – HR – can seem rather ominous. But HR, or Human Resources, or People and Culture departments, as they are now often called, have a wider scope than just harassment and bullying claims. We spoke to three HR managers about the myths and misconceptions, the impact of the #MeToo movement and how to get the most out of Human Resources where you work.“The idea that we will ultimately side with the business in a dispute is, in my experience, something I don’t find to be true,” says Leonie Kerley, director, HR practitioner and facilitator with over 24 years’ experience in the industry. “Most HR professionals I have worked with (including myself) have a strong ethical balance between supporting the organisation’s policies and processes and acting as an employee advocate as well.” Best Of Future Women Leadership ‘I also feel resolve, focus and determination to be part of the change’ By Odessa Blain Leadership The sentence that created a Paralympic champion By Odessa Blain Leadership From ‘eat the frog’ to ‘play in the grey’: Three leadership lessons By Odessa Blain Leadership Why Jamila Rizvi wants us to talk about men By Odessa Blain Diamond Meet the leaders: Jacqui Loustau By FW Diamond Meet the leaders: Amanda McIntyre By FW Diamond Meet the leaders: Kathryn McMullan By FW Diamond Meet the leaders: Lauren Sams By FW Your inbox just got smarter If you’re not a member, sign up to our newsletter to get the best of Future Women in your inbox.