
We’re Not There Yet: The Hard Facts On Gender Equality

While some of the most obvious barriers to gender equality have been removed, women remain second class citizens in the workplace. Sometimes the truth (really) hurts but you have to know it, to change it.

By Lara Robertson


While some of the most obvious barriers to gender equality have been removed, women remain second class citizens in the workplace. Sometimes the truth (really) hurts but you have to know it, to change it.

By Lara Robertson


The number of years it will take for the economic gender gap to close internationally

Source: World Economic Forum


The amount of GDP women generate globally, despite making up 50 per cent of the working-age population

Source: McKinsey


The percentage of women in ministerial and parliamentary roles worldwide

Source: McKinsey


The number of women in management positions in the global workforce

Source: McKinsey


The gender pay gap in America 

Source: AAUW


The number of female CEOs in the Fortune 500 – America’s largest corporations (less than 5 per cent of the total list)

Source: Fortune

$28 trillion

The GDP boost if women participated in the world’s economy identically to men

Source: McKinsey


Women rank more highly than men in 12 of the 16 traits identified as essential to leadership – including problem solving, communication and innovation

Source: HBR


Men will apply for a job when they meet this percentage of advertised qualifications, while women only tend to do so if they meet 100 per cent

Source: HBR

$USD 36,203/$USD 43,063

The median annual earnings of American women of colour working full-time compared to white women 

Source: DOL


The employment rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males versus females (aged 15 years and over)

Source: ABS 

1 in 4

The number of professional women who, upon attempting to return to work after a career break, couldn’t find work 

Source: HBR


The percentage of women who got a full-time professional job after “off-ramping” 

Source: HBR


The unemployment rate for transgender people in America, versus LGBTQI+ people and the general population

Source: Civic Science


The ratio of women to men who work part-time 

Source: WGEA


The number of women required to boost the collective intelligence of a team

Source: HBR


The reduced risk of becoming insolvent for incorporated companies with at least one female director – compared to all-male company boards

Source: International Small Business Journal 


Average superannuation balances for women at retirement are this much less than men’s

Source: WGEA  



The percentage of LGBTQI+ people who hide their identity at work in Australia

Source: AHRC

Image credits: Patti Andrews