Gender diversity

Fearless Girls. We Built Her And Now They’ve Come

Build it and they will come, or so the saying goes. It appears that now, they are here.

By Jamila Rizvi

Gender diversity

Build it and they will come, or so the saying goes. It appears that now, they are here.

By Jamila Rizvi

Plaits swinging down her back, hands defiantly at her hips, the original Fearless Girl was unveiled in March of 2017. Her infamy stemmed, not from her appearance, but her location. The statue of a girl was placed on Wall Street, positioned to stare down the longstanding ‘raging bull’ of the New York Stock Exchange. Take that world.

It was a warm and pleasant symbol. The fact Fearless Girl was actually part of an advertising campaign did little to taint her shine. (Who was the advertising campaign for? Don’t remember. Well, there you go. It wasn’t very good.) Fearless Girl gave the globe a quiet moment of hope. Hope that somewhere, perhaps amongst the next generation, lay someone who could change this world for the better.

Just A Thought explores the cultural and political musings of Jamila Rizvi.