
4 traits that make you more employable

These skills are crucial - regardless of where you’re at in your career

By Roxanne Calder


These skills are crucial - regardless of where you’re at in your career

By Roxanne Calder

Here is the inside scoop from an employment expert… being employable is not the same as being employed. Having a job doesn’t necessarily make you employable. Conversely, you can still be highly employable if unemployed, even if you have taken extended time off for caregiving responsibilities.

At its core, employability is the set of attributes that make someone more likely to gain employment, keep employment and succeed in their chosen occupation. Employability transcends job sectors and levels. It is as relevant to a school-aged person starting their first part-time job as it is to seasoned professionals in senior roles. Sometimes, as we progress in our jobs, we may inadvertently lose touch with some of these important employability traits.

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