Member event (G) FW Advance: Resumes and cover letters By FW Member event (G) By FW Previous article FW Advance: Clarity and confidence in career decision-making Next article FW Advance: Mastering Online Networking Every job opening is different and so is every applicant. Learn how to use your resume to show off your best self, and how to tailor your cover letter to your dream job. Maybe you can’t tick every box, but you can certainly tick most of them.Future Women’s Meisha Hill and Jane Smith from Salesforce weed through all the nonsense and bring you the best advice on crafting the most compelling resume and cover letter you can. FW Advance: Resumes and cover letters 1 March 2023 12:00pm – 1:30pm via Cisco Webex Your inbox just got smarter If you’re not a member, sign up to our newsletter to get the best of Future Women in your inbox.