
Why The F.I.R.E. Movement Could Transform Your Bank (And Work/Life) Balance

It's the controversial financial approach that's gaining momentum with millennials. Here's why you should take what you need from it, too.

By Jessica Sier


It's the controversial financial approach that's gaining momentum with millennials. Here's why you should take what you need from it, too.

By Jessica Sier

There is an uncomfortable amount of ego when it comes to investing. Really, it should be just a numbers-over-time game. But in Australia (and throughout the world) investing has instead been hijacked by ego. And that’s exactly what the F.I.R.E. movement aims to push back on.

F.I.R.E. stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early and it gained international attention earlier last year when The New York Times ran a story with the delicious title of ‘How to Retire in Your 30s With $1 Million in the Bank’.

Jessica Sier is a financial journalist who began her career at the AFR, where she discovered that breaking down financial jargon was a public good.

This report contains general advice. It does not take account of your individual objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider talking to a financial planner before making a financial decision.