Health Science

Reprogramming Your Brain To Present With Confidence

Social scientist and startup advisor Shelley Laslett explains how you can train your brain to help you present more confidently.

By Emily J. Brooks

Health Science

Social scientist and startup advisor Shelley Laslett explains how you can train your brain to help you present more confidently.

By Emily J. Brooks

We kicked off our first Sydney Social Club event with social scientist and startup advisor Shelley Laslett. Shelley is the co-founder and CEO of Vitae Coach, a brain-based coaching startup combining neuroscience and technology to help clients become better, whether it is as a leader or as a business.

Shelley spoke to Future Women members about the neurological makeup of the brain, and most importantly, how you can train it to help you become more confident when presenting. From power poses and confidence cocktails (sans alcohol) to the power of your imagination, Shelley delivered a presentation that no one who attended will forget. And now you won’t either.

For more, explore Cuddy’s power pose in this TED Talk and visit the Vitae.Coach blog for more neurohacks.