
Making The Case: How To Argue The Pay Gap To A Non-Believer

In our latest series, Making The Case, Future Women's arguer-in-chief Jamila Rizvi arms you with the right ammunition for all the tough topics. First up? The Gender Pay Gap. What else!?

By Jamila Rizvi


In our latest series, Making The Case, Future Women's arguer-in-chief Jamila Rizvi arms you with the right ammunition for all the tough topics. First up? The Gender Pay Gap. What else!?

By Jamila Rizvi

Just about everyone has had one of those arguments with a partner or family member. It starts out over something small but rapidly spirals out of control, until you’re operating exclusively in the realm of hyperbole and absolutes. “It’s not just this one time,” you shout. “The problem is that you always do this!” Your opposition fixes their eyes on yours with a steely gaze, incredulous at the accusation. “But when? Name one time!” they retort.

Game. Set. Match. Even though you’re utterly convinced that [insert whatever maddening thing they’ve done here] does in fact happen all the time you can’t quite think of such a time right at this moment. You wrack your brain for an example but in the heat of the argument, both logic and memory elude you. You know you’re in the right, you know this has happened before and yet, you draw nothing but blanks.