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Just A Thought: What HILDA Means For Women In 2019

Even with women working longer hours and earning more than ever before, HILDA shows blokes aren’t stepping up on the home front in the same way.

By Jamila Rizvi

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Even with women working longer hours and earning more than ever before, HILDA shows blokes aren’t stepping up on the home front in the same way.

By Jamila Rizvi

If you’re reading this aloud then you need to take an extremely deep breath before embarking on the next sentence. New results from a longitudinal study called the Housing Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey (affectionately known by data nerds as ‘HILDA’) was released. Since 2001, the survey has followed the lives of 14,000 Australians and comes back to check on them each and every year.

And what HILDA has to say in 2019? Well, it makes for pretty depressing reading. 

Just A Thought explores the cultural and political musings of Jamila Rizvi.